Registration has begun for an evening of ballroom dancing at the "Rodeo" pub
For details and registration at the discounted price: 050-302-5568, Maria
A gala event at the Rally Museums in Caesarea
The big event of the Exclusive network at the Raleigh Museum in Caesarea on Thursday 10.6.21 which included a theatrical dance performance by the Exclusive group starring the network manager, a 19th century dance performance by the students of the network with the participation of about 40 people, a 19th century dance tasting workshop and an evening of dances in a variety of styles.
We are on "Galey Zahal" radio
Maria Figovsky and Exclusive live "Paula and Leon"
The manager of the Exclusev network, Maria Figovsky, was a guest with her students live on "Paula and Leon". Ronen Izikal and Emma Azernikov, Maria Figovsky's students, performed with a Chetango dance, and Maria taught Dana Grotsky and Dror Globerman ballroom dancing
For the full item
Exclusive on TV
Last night, Channel 12 aired an episode of the "Messiah" series, whose story takes place on the dance floor of the 1960s.
The students of the EXCLUSIVE led by the manager of the network Maria Figovsky were the ones who were photographed in the episode and the characters of Maria with her dancing partner took the title of "competition champions" from the characters of Avi Kushnir and Natasha Menor.
Come and see the dance videos on our website, including "behind the scenes" from the photo shoot (just click on the picture)!

Back to dancing in the studio
After about 5 months of Zoom dance classes - we are back dancing in the studio!
Starting Monday 22.2.21 the classes in Ness Ziona, Haifa and Netanya are back at all levels!
Classes in Kesaria and Hod Hasharon will also be opened and are expected to open soon

Vacation in Ein Gev is over
An "all inclusive" vacation at the Ein Gev resort has ended - during which we enjoyed a theatrical dance show , a "Dancing with the Stars" style activity, a gorgeous view, dance lessons in pairs and alone, lectures and workshops , a 19th century style dance ball , barbecue , wine, tea tastings Quality from abroad , a trip to Agmon Hula - and most importantly - a quality company